Who We Are

OMNITÉCNICA — Sociedade Comercial e Industrial de Electrotécnica, S.A, is a Portuguese company founded in 1969 that has as main activity the supply of products and the integration of solutions in the areas of Telecommunications and Electronics. It offers a set of services and products of high diversity, which include, among others, voice, data and image solutions in the areas of transmission and access via coaxial cable, Optical fiber, Microwave links, Optical systems, OTN / DWDM / SDH / PDH and Satellite. The company also has in its portfolio specialized solutions for the military, utilities, meteorological and air navigation markets. Omnitécnica is part of the SERomni Group which comprises a total of 5 companies, Omnitécnica, Omniprojectos, Omnifin, Omnilink and Seromni Angola. The coexistence of this group, integrated with strategic partnerships with international manufacturers, allows us to offer our customers turn-key solutions with high levels of competitiveness and reliability.


Fixed Network Solutions
Wireless/ Radio / Satellite solutions
Synchronization, Power and Datacenter Systems
Unified Multimedia Communications
Specialized solutions in the areas of defense and security, energy, meteorology and air navigation
NFV, Cyber Security and Big Data Analysis
Fixed Network Solutions
Wireless/ Radio / Satellite solutions
Synchronization, Power and Datacenter Systems
Unified Multimedia Communications
Specialized solutions in the areas of defense and security, energy, meteorology and air navigation
NFV, Cyber Security and Big Data Analysis

Design, installation and consultancy services


Seromni Release

28 June 2021

We inform you that by administration decision following the enormous loss that Seromni Group recently suffered with the death of Engº. Luís Pinto was decided..

Death Notice

09 March 2021

With much sadness and grief Seromni Group carries the duty to inform its customers, partners, suppliers and friends, about the death of Luís Pinto, a fundamental element of Seromni/ Omnitécnica team.

Omnitécnica signs a new partnership with Handheld Europe AB, a manufacturer of rugged mobile computers

02 November 2020

In October, Omnitécnica established a new partnership with Handheld Europe AB, a rugged mobile computers manufacturer, recognized for their technological characteristics and outstanding resistance.